Saturday, May 9, 2020

Corporate Sustainability Social And Economic Change Essay

Many of the world’s largest companies own land and have ties with endless communities, so corporations are the forefront of social and economic change that will determine if our society can become sustainable. Since multinational business run the world, sustainability within business is a way to initiate major change in terms of our society’s opinion and commitment to sustainability. As Richard T. Watson states in his book Information Systems, â€Å"organizations are the major force for innovation in most societies, and corporations in particular are major change agents† (Boudreau). This statement supports the theory that a company’s decisions within itself can and will determine the societies in which it is located. Some corporations are taking major steps towards becoming sustainable within themselves, therefore starting the change within our whole society. Understanding that corporations strongly determine our economy which is heavily correlated with ou r society makes it clear that businesses must be sustainable if we ever want our culture to be sustainable. â€Å"Organizations strive to sustain their existence, and the notion of corporate sustainability incorporates ecological thinking and three different approaches to it: eco-efficiency, eco-equity, and eco-effectiveness† (Boudreau). Eco-efficiency refers to the goal to provide competitive goods and services that increase quality of life while also reducing ecological impact. This approach emphasizes sustainability in which aShow MoreRelatedChange Management Is Planning, Organising, Leading And Controlling A Change Process Essay816 Words   |  4 Pages01. Introduction Change management is planning, organising, leading and controlling a change process in an organisation to improve its performance as well as to achieve organisational goals. 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